It's the Living Room...or is it?

As a realtor I am always fascinated about the weird and wonderful bits of information that make up
and surround the way we live today and how it evolved into what we think of as “normal”. So
naturally, when I come across an interesting piece of information I love to share it.

Recently, I found out why we call the front room in our homes the “Living Room”. You see, many
years ago, it was customary to hold a “Viewing” at home in the front parlor for members of the family
who had recently passed. The body would be laid out for all to come visit and pay their last respects.
Naturally, during that time, the front parlor was soon referred to as the "Death Room.” Needless to
say this put a very creepy and unwelcome feel onto the room when not in use.

In 1910, the Ladies Home Journal had had enough! They declared the "Death Room" was a thing of
the past; proclaiming the title was too "morbid." From then on, the front parlor was forever known as the "Living Room and “Viewings” were held elsewhere. I for one am very grateful to those pioneering minds at the Ladies Home Journal!

I hope you enjoyed this fun home fact…

See you soon on the Bruce!
