
Not ready to buy yet? No problem, we’ve got you covered. Whether looking for your first place, new to the area, or simply needing a change, feel free to browse our inventory of currently available local rental properties in our database. Provided as a complimentary service to our real estate clients, investors, tenants and landlords, our site will directly connect you to the home owner allowing you to make further inquiries or arrange showings on the properties that interest you. From apartments and condos, to single family homes, rooms for students, or from time to time, rent to own properties for those looking to enter the market, keep up to date on the latest inventory by checking in regularly.
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Showing 1 to 6 of 6 results

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For landlords looking to post in our database, please contact us at Brand Realty Group to get started, or send your info, including a few pictures, direct and we will get them up on our site. Our site will instantly connect you to inquiries made by those looking to rent, providing you a direct link answering questions, arranging showings, or setting out terms of agreements. This service is simply provided as a way to connect the regular calls we get by those looking to rent, to those that have currently have homes, apartments, condominium, or rooms available for rent. All we ask is that you keep us updated as to your properties current availability and help us keep the site current.

For any inquiries, please contact us at directly at Brand Realty Group through email at by phone at 519.377.4611 or feel free stop by our offices on 16th St. East, in Owen Sound, to discuss any of your real estate needs.

On behalf of the team, thank you for visiting our site